Has the Bollywood producers and distributors’ stand-off with the multiplexes over a 50:50 profit sharing broken the ice between Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan? No, they only came together for this cause, and BT has learned that the personal differences between the Bollywood Khans is far from over. It was Aamir who after his meetings with the multiplex representatives, took it upon himself to involve the other A-list actors. “He sent an SMS to Shah Rukh, Akshay Kumar, Salman Khan, Saif Ali Khan and Hrithik Roshan,” said a United Producers and Distributors Association Forum member.
Akshay, Salman and Saif replied that they were busy with their shoots, but would go along with whatever Aamir thought best for the industry; Hrithik didn’t respond at all; and, Shah Rukh was graceful enough to lend his support. The Bollywood Badshah also invited Aamir to his home, Mannat.
“The principled man that he is, Aamir is reported to have told Shah Rukh that since they have a few unresolved personal issues, he would not go to Mannat. ‘And let’s not meet at my home, either, let’s meet on neutral ground,’ Aamir is said to have added. And that is why meetings were held at Karan Johar’s Union Park residence for two nights in a row,’’ said the source.
When they met at Karan’s house, SRK and Aamir got so involved with the multiplex issue, that they left their differences aside.
“Shah Rukh was happy to let Aamir lead because he knew Aamir had already had a few meetings, and was more updated on the issue,’’ said the source. Ronnie Screwvala, Siddharth Roy Kapur, Mukesh Bhatt, Priti Shahani and Karan Johar witnessed the crackling chemistry between Bollywood’s two super-giants. “SRK, who is blessed with the gift of the gab, was truly a treat to hear,’’ said one of those present at this high-power summit.
While digging into pastries that were served, Shah Rukh commented, “With Aamir around, I have to eat something extra sweet.’’ At which Aamir laughed. Next, when Aamir went to find a toilet and came back (thrice) complaining to Karan that all the toilets were occupied, Shah Rukh teased him saying, “Arre, what’s with you? Do you want to pee in every toilet in Karan’s house?’’ SRK then asked Aamir for some personal advice on how to quit smoking. “How did you manage to give up,’’ he asked Aamir. “I’m trying real hard but I haven’t succeeded.’’
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